Barb Teicher once again delivered a truly helpful webinar yesterday. In case you missed it, here are some important takeaways.
Experiences are very different across the country. And yet, we’re all facing this difficulty together.
Nearly 60% of participants indicated they were having trouble adjusting to this new working environment. So if you are having a hard time, you are not alone.
Right now it’s important to:
Take a step back to look at the bigger picture. What is really important right now…and who do you need to stay connected to?
Give some gratitude. It can be hard to find in the gloom, but gratitude is a proven mood lifter.
Get in tune to your needs. Do you need a structured schedule? Create a routine. Prefer more flexibility? Go with that.
If you are in a position of leadership, take time to find out how your team is doing…not just with work. How are they really doing? We all need each other right now. This is the time to build relationships.
Tap into your creativity to find solutions to the problems you’re having. What are new ways you can do old things? Take calls outside while the kids play? Take yourself on a walk when you’d normally be commuting?
Think about this particular FOCUS:
Family- Set expectations for what you need. And this may change week to week.
Organization- Communicate with your team and be clear about what you need.
Charity/Care/Church- What contribution can you make to help others?
U (You)- Carve out 30 minutes each day for yourself. Depleting ourselves helps no one.
Soon: If you had more time, what would you do? Put that thing on the calendar for yourself. And soon.
And, perhaps the most important, be gentle with yourself. It’s okay not to be perfect.
If you'd like to hear more, you can follow Barb on LinkedIn. There you'll find information on her open-forum discussions about this timely topic.