Sara Muehlberger is the WWLF City Rep based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has held this position since January 2019.
What has been the best experience you’ve had with WWLF?
The best experience I’ve had (so far) with WWLF was the time we joined forces with the Georgia Wireless Association for a day of volunteering at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Within the 4 short hours we worked together, we ended up sorting and packing over 9,400 pounds of food that would provide over 6,700 meals to people in need – right here in our community. How awesome is that?
What are your top 3 leadership lessons or advice?
If I were to give 3 leadership tips of advice, they would be: 1. Train and mentor the up-and-coming professionals; it’s important to understand you cannot do it all and it’s good to delegate. 2. Step outside of your comfort zone and say yes to tasks that scare you! This is how we grow as professionals. 3. Take your PTO. It’s important to work hard and be dedicated, but it’s equally important to take care of yourself and enjoy downtime.
What do you like to do outside of work?
When I am not working, you can find me with my family. I have an amazing husband, Darren, who has been by my side for 19 years, and we have two incredible children, Bradley and Caspian. As a family, we enjoy traveling, cooking & baking, and spending time outdoors. I also enjoy volunteering within our community; I am the VP of the MVHS Men’s Lacrosse Board in addition to managing the MVAA Lightning Boys lacrosse team.
How do you define success?
Success to me is when you set your mind to something and achieve it or give it your best. Success doesn’t always come in the form of money or things, but rather as knowledge and growth.
What does confidence mean to you?
To me, confidence is when you don’t look to others for approval or acceptance. This one took me a long time to figure out. I do not need others to accept me; however, I do look at others for guidance and growth. I am who I am, and I’m completely ok with that.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
- Altruistic
- Devoted
- Humble
Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?
It was by chance that I sort of fell into telecommunications. I had previously worked in the financial industry and took some time off to enjoy motherhood after my second child was born. When I started looking to get back into the professional world, a friend knew someone who was looking to hire a candidate with financial experience, so I decided to apply. Little did I know I would find my home here at Terracon as an employee-owner! I’ve been with Terracon for almost 7 years, and I am currently a National Account Manager within our telecommunications sector.
What is your favorite Quote?
“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.” – Conan O’Brien
How do you see the future of the industry?
I think telecommunications is a very in-demand industry and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Due to the unfortunate circumstances with Covid-19, many people quickly realized how crucial infrastructure within telecom was. We all needed faster speeds with more availability to those in rural areas – and the demand for 5G only increased. With so many employers moving to a more remote work atmosphere in the coming years, the demand for faster, better, smarter networks will only continue to increase.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?
If I could meet anyone, it would have to be Steve Harvey. The man is absolutely hysterical, but he’s also a great motivational speaker. He tells it like it is and has such a way with people. I feel like we’d have a great time chatting it up and laughing the day away.
Why did you join WWLF?
I joined WWLF to grow my network with other like-minded professionals. I enjoy volunteering and found that many of the planned events were to give back in some way (clothing drives, donated goods, etc.). I truly believe it’s so important to see a need and fill that need within your community.
How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?
Being part of WWLF has significantly grown my network and helped me professionally. I’ve arranged and attended IMPACT events with amazing speakers and have learned many valuable work and life lessons. Being the Atlanta City Rep has pushed me outside of my comfort zone (at times) and has helped me step up and learn to lead.