Taylor Weltmeyer has been the WWLF City Rep since the beginning of 2021 and covers Chicago and the surrounding areas
Why did you join WWLF?
I was at ConnectX in 2018 and saw a booth from WWLF, I went over and started asking questions and thought it was amazing to have an organization centered on women within the industry. The company that I was with at the time was very male dominated and to find an organization that would support me in my journey felt amazing!
How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?
I have met so many amazing women while being a part of WWLF. They have inspired me as well as supported me through both triumphs and misses. I feel that I have made life-long friends, and many will be attending my wedding in December!
Where did you get your start in the industry?
My start in the industry is actually quite interesting. I was working for William Wrigley Jr. based in Florida when he decided to invest in a telecommunications company called nepsa; (fun fact nepsa is Aspen spelled backwards). This company was going to be based out of Elgin, IL and he asked me to help oversee operations for a “few months”. I came up to Elgin in June of 2017 and never left.
I started out as an Operations Manager overseeing our tower teams and assisting with HR, Accounting, Marketing and purchasing. Once the decision was made that he would be selling the company I was given the option to move back to Florida however, I enjoyed telecommunications so much I decided to stay and look for another position within the telecommunications industry.
What is your current role?
After nepsa I interviewed with a view different companies but decided to continue my telecom career at ExteNet Systems where I am still at today. I’m going on 3 years with the company and have had many different roles throughout the transitioning of our business. My current role is interim Program Manager for all of our East Network Protection projects.
What is your favorite Quote?
My favorite quote comes from the serenity prayer “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I try to live my life by this and focus on the things that I can actual make an impact on rather than worry about those things I cannot.
What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence, to me, is believing in yourself both mentally and physically. It’s getting on a phone call and feeling strong and confident in the things you're discussing. It’s putting on a new outfit and rocking it wherever you go.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I LOVE travelling! I’m constantly on the go exploring new places/things to do! I also enjoy fishing, dancing and sports!