Carrie Charles speaks with Bold Women Society™ about Advocating for Yourself
“You have to tell them how valuable you are” - Carrie Charles
Carrie Charles, WWLF Executive Director of Industry Relations, and CEO of Broadstaff Global, was featured as an expert speaker on a July session of Be Bold.
Carrie talked about her time serving in the US Marine Corp, as an entrepreneur, a life coach, a business owner, and a mother. She spoke about how she has made choices guided by her intuition and has stepped out of her comfort zone to try new things, including becoming the CEO of Broadstaff even when she had no previous experience in running a staffing firm. “But that's how I am! I'm the person who takes action first and figures it out. Carrie spoke about making a commitment to saying “yes” to yourself and not to be embarrassed by our failures or potential failures but to make yourself accountable to putting your ideas and visions out there and sharing them with the world.
Carrie told the story about how she advocated for her worth when it came to negotiating her terms as a business owner at Broadstaff. She said that she prepared herself with the data and even though she knew her worth, there was “still this voice of this...10 year old girl who was like “I'm not enough”…so she was still there, but I consciously decided that that's not what I'm going to listen to!” Carrie encourages women to speak out and let others know your worth. “You have to tell them how valuable you are…you want to be direct and concise and clear.”
If you are interested in more content from Bold Women Society™ they can be reached at their website: https://www.boldwomensociety.com (WWLF President, Amanda Cahill, is a co-founder)
The Vision of Bold Women Society™ is “A world where every woman unapologetically pursues her dreams because she has the confidence to be bold, the courage to be authentic, and the power that comes from being supported.”