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WWLF News and Annoucements

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  • 04 May 2021 11:37 AM | Anonymous

    Sara Muehlberger is the WWLF City Rep based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has held this position since January 2019.

    What has been the best experience you’ve had with WWLF?

    The best experience I’ve had (so far) with WWLF was the time we joined forces with the Georgia Wireless Association for a day of volunteering at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Within the 4 short hours we worked together, we ended up sorting and packing over 9,400 pounds of food that would provide over 6,700 meals to people in need – right here in our community. How awesome is that?

    What are your top 3 leadership lessons or advice?

    If I were to give 3 leadership tips of advice, they would be: 1. Train and mentor the up-and-coming professionals; it’s important to understand you cannot do it all and it’s good to delegate. 2. Step outside of your comfort zone and say yes to tasks that scare you! This is how we grow as professionals. 3. Take your PTO. It’s important to work hard and be dedicated, but it’s equally important to take care of yourself and enjoy downtime.

    What do you like to do outside of work?

    When I am not working, you can find me with my family. I have an amazing husband, Darren, who has been by my side for 19 years, and we have two incredible children, Bradley and Caspian. As a family, we enjoy traveling, cooking & baking, and spending time outdoors. I also enjoy volunteering within our community; I am the VP of the MVHS Men’s Lacrosse Board in addition to managing the MVAA Lightning Boys lacrosse team.

    How do you define success?

    Success to me is when you set your mind to something and achieve it or give it your best. Success doesn’t always come in the form of money or things, but rather as knowledge and growth.

    What does confidence mean to you?

    To me, confidence is when you don’t look to others for approval or acceptance. This one took me a long time to figure out. I do not need others to accept me; however, I do look at others for guidance and growth. I am who I am, and I’m completely ok with that.

    How would you describe yourself in three words?

    •        Altruistic
    •        Devoted
    •        Humble

    Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?

    It was by chance that I sort of fell into telecommunications. I had previously worked in the financial industry and took some time off to enjoy motherhood after my second child was born. When I started looking to get back into the professional world, a friend knew someone who was looking to hire a candidate with financial experience, so I decided to apply. Little did I know I would find my home here at Terracon as an employee-owner! I’ve been with Terracon for almost 7 years, and I am currently a National Account Manager within our telecommunications sector.

    What is your favorite Quote?

    “Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.” – Conan O’Brien

    How do you see the future of the industry?

    I think telecommunications is a very in-demand industry and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Due to the unfortunate circumstances with Covid-19, many people quickly realized how crucial infrastructure within telecom was. We all needed faster speeds with more availability to those in rural areas – and the demand for 5G only increased. With so many employers moving to a more remote work atmosphere in the coming years, the demand for faster, better, smarter networks will only continue to increase. 

    If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?

    If I could meet anyone, it would have to be Steve Harvey. The man is absolutely hysterical, but he’s also a great motivational speaker. He tells it like it is and has such a way with people. I feel like we’d have a great time chatting it up and laughing the day away.

    Why did you join WWLF?

    I joined WWLF to grow my network with other like-minded professionals. I enjoy volunteering and found that many of the planned events were to give back in some way (clothing drives, donated goods, etc.). I truly believe it’s so important to see a need and fill that need within your community.

    How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?

    Being part of WWLF has significantly grown my network and helped me professionally. I’ve arranged and attended IMPACT events with amazing speakers and have learned many valuable work and life lessons. Being the Atlanta City Rep has pushed me outside of my comfort zone (at times) and has helped me step up and learn to lead. 

  • 04 May 2021 11:34 AM | Anonymous

    Written by Kristin Beckman

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year, the focus on mental health is especially poignant. During the month of May, the National Alliance on Mental Illness works to fight stigmas surrounding mental health and is emphasizing the message: You are Not Alone.

    While the world has been dealing with the global COVID-19 pandemic during the past year, many people have also been struggling with a related health crisis that has been dubbed “The Silent Pandemic.” The physical consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic have spurred the world into action trying to prevent the spread of the virus and treat those who contract it. However, efforts like social distancing and remote work, while great for keeping people physically healthy, often have the unintended consequence of making people feel isolated, which can negatively impact mental health and wellness.

    Even before COVID-19, nearly 20 percent of U.S. adults experienced some form of mental illness, and despite how common mental health concerns, more than half of people dealing with a mental illness do not seek help for their disorders, according to the American Psychiatric Association. Often this is because they are embarrassed, fear what others will think of them, or worry that they might lose their job.

    The physical distancing and upheaval necessitated by COVID-19, as well as the stress of a large-scale disaster, have exacerbated mental health and wellness challenges, according to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association early in the pandemic. The article predicted the likelihood of substantial increases in anxiety and depression, substance abuse, loneliness, and domestic violence stemming from social distancing and other virus mitigation efforts.

    More recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed those early concerns. It found the number of adults with recent symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder increased from 36.4 percent to 41.5 percent, while the percentage of individuals reporting unmet mental health care needs increasing from 9.2 percent to 11.7 percent between August 2020 and February 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    For those suffering from serious mental health issues, seeking help is the most important first step. However, everyone can benefit from taking steps to nurture their own mental health and promote overall wellness. Following are a few ideas you can try to re-center your focus, lift your mood, and improve your mental wellbeing.

    1.       Although social distancing can make it difficult, find ways to connect with other people. Talking with friends, neighbors, and loved ones about your feelings and concerns can relieve stress and promote resilience. If an in-person connection isn’t possible, make use of all of the technology available to connect today, including video conferencing, social media, email, and even good old-fashioned telephone calls.

    2.       Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety and can even help people manage chronic pain. Mindful meditation can be as simple as sitting comfortably, focusing on your breathing, and bringing your mind’s attention to the present several times a day. There are guided mediation programs available online or through smartphone applications that you can download to remind you to meditate and help you do it.

    3.       Journaling is a simple tool that allows you to deal with overwhelming emotions in a way that helps manage anxiety, reduce stress and cope with depression. Notably, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you prioritize and process problems, fears and, concerns, keep track of symptoms and triggers and train your mind to shift negative thinking to positive self-talk. There are no rules when it comes to journaling, experts say. Simply write or type whatever comes to your mind, but make sure to read back every now and then to remind yourself how you have persevered and overcome challenges.

    4.       Exercise. Your physical health and mental health are connected. Exercise can reduce feelings of stress and depression and improve your mood thanks in part to the release of chemicals called endorphins that trigger positive feelings. Thirty minutes of exercise of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking for 3 days a week, is sufficient to produce a variety of health benefits. Even better, these 30 minutes need not be continuous; three 10-minute walks are believed to be as useful as one 30-minute walk in reducing stress, according to the National Institutes of Health.

    5.       Sleep. Is not getting enough sleep a cause or a symptom of mental health disorders? The answer isn’t clear, but researchers do know that adequate sleep is crucial not only for mood but also for having the energy to cope with day-to-day stress effectively. Adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but studies indicate at least one-third of adults sleep less than 7 hours per night. “The brain basis of a mutual relationship between sleep and mental health is not yet completely understood. But neuroimaging and neurochemistry studies suggest that a good night's sleep helps foster both mental and emotional resilience, while chronic sleep deprivation sets the stage for negative thinking and emotional vulnerability,” according to Harvard Medical School.

    This May, take the time to take care of your mental wellbeing by trying one or more of the ideas listed above. Remember, you are not alone even during a time of physical distancing!

  • 23 Nov 2020 11:32 AM | Anonymous

    Introduction, biography, & previous WWLF experience

    Based in Dallas, Texas, I currently serve as the National Director, Business Development at SQUAN, where my primary responsibility is to lead business development initiatives, collaborate with multiple departments on proposal delivery and execution, pursue new and manage existing client relationships, as well as assist in marketing activities to better showcase SQUAN’s service offerings across several different media.

    Prior to joining SQUAN, I held the position of Business Development Manager at Flash Technology, where I was responsible for prospecting potential customers, managing client relations, contract negotiations, defining long-term organizational goals and establishing sales account strategies for wireless telecommunication carriers, wind energy companies, utility and oil & gas providers, and communication tower owners. I’ve also held roles as a Sales Executive for Smartlink and Marketing & Sales for VERITCOM.

    I hold a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies from the University of Central Florida.

    I have been a member of WWLF since 2014, served as Co-Director of Member in 2015 and have been the Executive Director of Ways & Means since 2016. I am also actively involved in several state wireless associations nationwide, as well as an active member in NATE.

    How has your career and experience with WWLF prepared you for a position on the Board of Directors?

    My involvement as the Executive Director of Ways & Means with WWLF for the past four years has positioned me well to step into the role as WWLF President. Not only have I been working with the leadership team to help drive WWLF’s initiatives since 2014, I’ve also been an Executive Director and Co-Director through three different Board of Director terms, which has been an invaluable experience. If elected as President, I will be able to lean on the guidance and knowledge gained through my tenure with WWLF and my commitment to create an environment where all women feel empowered, supported and are given opportunities for growth, leadership and mentorship. Fostering these opportunities is something that resonates in both my professional and personal life and I look forward to collaborating with the Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors to further drive WWLF’s mission.

    Major Issues / Initiatives to address during your term

    The major issues or initiatives you would like to address during your WWLF executive board tenure.

    1.     Expanding the mentoring program.

    The power of mentorship is undeniable. I’ve seen firsthand the role mentorship has played in my own career success. The current WWLF Mentorship Program has been gaining traction over the past several years and I see opportunity to expand on the current program to be more inclusive of the full membership base we serve. I would like to create a two-tiered mentorship program that includes a mentorship class for those in the industry with less than five years’ experience and a second class for those who have been in the industry for six or more years. The goal would be to serve both entry-level women in the industry, as well as those women who might have experience greater than the five year mark but are still looking for support to streamline their professional pursuits, receive guidance through specialized education and obtain advice in achieving goals in career advancement.
    In addition to the two-tiered mentoring levels, the mentorship program could broaden to include an apprenticeship program as well. The apprenticeship program would allow a women newer to or looking to transition within the industry to learn a skill or trade from a tenured individual also within the industry.
    2.     Increase membership and renewals.
    WWLF has been successful at growing the membership base, but there is still room for improvement both in creating more opportunities to drive membership and retaining members past the initial term expiration. One way to increase membership overall is to create an outreach program in which we actively connect with lapsed members to discuss the benefits of WWLF membership, ways to get more involved and options for rejoining. Additionally, we should consider moving to a tiered membership plan: 1-year, 2-year and 3-year plans that are discounted appropriately based on term selected. Most conversations I’ve had with lapsed members is that they simple forget to renew and depending on the time of year it can be difficult for them to receive budget approval for the membership renewal. Allowing different membership terms will give members more flexibility in receiving approval every couple of years instead of annually.

    Other Ideas, Aims & Goals for WWLF

    As the Executive Director for Ways & Means, I would be remiss if I didn’t include an initiative to engage sponsors at a higher level past the standard benefits of sponsorship. I’d like to see sponsors get more involved in webinars, panel discussions, Impact events, and the like. We’ve started to do a better job at this recently, but I feel as though we’ve only tapped the surface. We should leverage the partnership we have with sponsors to further grow engagement and expand our network.

    Role of the Board – Please share your thoughts

    The Executive Leadership Team, Executive Directors, Regional Directors, and National Directors all play a pivotal role in the growth and sustainability of WWLF as an organization. The Board as a collective should be able to link arms towards a common outcome once a goal is established. Together we can be a force to further drive our mission throughout the industry. Through commitment, collaboration, leadership and communication we can achieve anything.

    What other attributes or qualifications you possess that will contribute to governing WWLF?  Outside of work, what are your hobbies or interests?

    Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, reading, being outdoors and spending time with family and friends. Any given weekend you can find me exploring different parts of the country or curled up on the couch was a good book. I also love taking long walks (beach not required, although welcomed) and spoiling loved ones with surprise cards or gifts. Nothing creates more joy than to bring happiness to someone with an unexpected gesture.

    Active involvement in women’s empowerment groups is also very important to me. I currently sit on the Advisory Board for Bold Women Society, serve on the Mentors & Allies Committee for WiNGS Dallas, and have held many other positions over the past several decades. Volunteering and serving the community has instilled a sense of pride and has helped to develop the leadership skills instrumental in shaping the woman I am today. Growth, self-improvement and inspiring others has become my way of life. In doing so, I’ve been extremely fortunate to gain a network of women that support similar initiatives and have goals to create massive impact.

    In parting, I will say all the experience, guidance and mentorship I’ve received thus far has positioned me well to step into the role as President of WWLF. I look forward to partnering with the rest of the Board and Executive Leadership team to continue the WWLF vision of keeping women connected.
  • 28 Feb 2019 1:21 PM | Anonymous

    The Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum (“WWLF”) is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Fellowship Program Award. We look forward to receiving nominations and applications through April 5, 2019.  We are also currently accepting applications to serve as 2019 Mentors. The mission of the Fellowship Program is to empower and inspire women who are new to the telecommunications industry by:

    • Providing WWLF membership advantages at no cost to the recipient
    • Engaging the recipient in industry events and the operations of WWLF
    • Offering unique mentorship opportunities to support the growth of new industry leaders
    • Facilitating opportunities for career strengthening through WWLF resources

    Benefits include:

    • Complimentary WWLF membership for duration of term (If already a member when selected, the remainder of her pre-existing membership term will resume following completion of the Fellowship term)
    • Featured on the WWLF website as Award winner
    • Pairing with a Mentor for duration of term
    • Participation in a WWLF Committee (to be selected by the WWLF Board)
    • Free admission to two annual local regional events during term
    • Free admission to WWLF events at MWCA and Connect X during term
    • All-expenses-paid trip to Connect X in Orlando, FL (max value of $1,500)

    Fellowship Nominee Requirements:

    • Nominee must be a woman
    • Nominee must be employed in the wireless industry for LESS than 5 years, or entering the industry
    • Nominee may be self-nominated or nominated by someone else
    • Nominees may or may not be a current WWLF member at time of award
    • Nominee cannot be chosen as a recipient for two consecutive years

    Fellowship Requirements:

    • Consistently attend monthly one-on-one meetings with Mentor (either in-person or via phone)
    • Provide meeting logs and other required deliverables as described in timeline below
    • Fully prepare for each Mentorship meeting (including completion of any homework/deliverables that Mentor assigned)
    • Attend at least two networking events with Mentor
    • Work at WWLF booth and event registration table, and otherwise represent WWLF however deemed appropriate during the Connectivity Expo
    • Actively participate in one WWLF Committee for duration of term. Participation updates will be provided by Committee Chair.
    • Complete quarterly call with Programs Director
    • Provide photo for WWLF website and email blast announcing Fellowship recipient
    • Provide a “testimonial” at the end of the term and complete a survey about the WWLF fellowship experience

    WWLF Fellowship Award Timeline:

    • Call for nominations and applications begins: February 18, 2019
    • Deadline for submission: April 5, 2019

    WWLF Fellowship and Mentor Application Forms:

    Please return your application form, along with your resume and statement of interest to Victoria Weidenthaler at

  • 01 Jan 2019 10:22 PM | Anonymous

    Women's Wireless Leadership Forum wishes our members and sponsors a very Happy New Year. To help celebrate the New Year, we are declaring 2019 the year our members shine and to celebrate, we are offering a new benefit. We are launching our recognition program to honor top women in our industry.

    Women's Wireless Leadership Forum take great pride in introducing.....WWLF’s Woman of the Year Award

    The Woman of the Year Award will be bestowed upon a woman who has had great achievements, made increasingly significant contributions throughout her career to her company and the overall wireless industry. She has been in the Wireless industry 10 or more years. She is a true leader, broken through that proverbial glass ceiling and shows great resolve to help others along their path. This woman is leading the way for the next generation of women.

    As part of this WWLF Recognition program, we will recognize and honor those women who through their significant contributions and achievements, overall impact and outstanding character, serve as role models for career women. These women demonstrate a commitment and passion that advances the promotion of women in our industry.


    • Serves as a role model and mentor to colleagues and others;
    • Leads authentically with unwavering passion and commitment to her values and fearlessly with a sense of purpose and vision.
    • Exhibits a high level of knowledge, skill and professionalism regarding facets of the wireless industry;
    • Exhibits continued investment in her own professional, technical and personal growth;
    • Demonstrates impactful accomplishments and overcome adversity
    • Contributes significantly to the transformation of her organization through creativity or innovation;
    • Serves as a catalyst to help advance others at her organization; 
    • Exhibits commitment to the industry’s professional activities through community activity, professional society involvement, company volunteer groups, etc.;
    • Encourages and invests in mentoring others in the wireless industry;
    • Demonstrates a proven track record of success in contributing to her company and the wireless industry;
    • Holds a current membership in WWLF.

    Nominations for WWLF’s Woman of the Year Award will be open to all active members of WWLF later this year.

  • 01 Dec 2017 7:07 AM | Anonymous


    On Thursday November 30, 2017, the Women's Wireless Leadership Forum (“WWLF”) won the Award for “Organization with the Biggest Impact” at The California Wireless Association (“CALWA”) Holiday Gala & Awards Ceremony.

    First, we would like to congratulate CALWA on celebrating their 10th Anniversary. We are grateful to them as a State Wireless Association as they continue to raise awareness of the benefits of the wireless industry and their promotion of it. They have been hugely instrumental in bringing a unified voice to the wireless industry.

    Second, WWLF is extremely honored to receive such an important award as we work toward supporting women in this industry and keeping them connected. Thank you for selecting WWLF among all the other well-deserving organizations.

    Our members deserve to have a competitive edge on this ever-evolving wireless stage so with your help, WWLF is committed: Firstly, to the Enrichment of women through training and professional development opportunities. Secondly, to the Advancement of women across all disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership and positioning our Members at the forefront of the wireless world!

    Thank you to our Members, Sponsors and dedicated Volunteers for helping us to fulfill our mission and thank you again to CALWA for recognizing our achievements. 

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