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WWLF News and Annoucements

  • 27 Nov 2022 4:58 PM | Anonymous

    I recently attended an FIA Formula E race as a VIP guest, which gave me unique access to the pits, crews, and drivers. I’m not sure why, but at the time I was invited, the “E” (standing for “Electric”) never quite hit home and I was expecting something along the lines of what we’ve all come to know and love in traditional auto sports.  Well, I was woefully incorrect, but wonderfully surprised.  I expected to see Formula cars tearing around the track at breakneck speeds, to hear the deafening whine and hum of high-revving engines and the cacophonous sound of the pits as crews sprang into action during each stop, assessing wear and changing tires, wings and other parts with the efficiency and skill of well-programmed robots.  And the smell – who can forget that intoxicating combination of high-octane fuel, exhaust, and burnt rubber? However, rather than the traditional Formula One race I expected, what I got was a front row preview in what is certain to be the evolution of motor sports.  No – this was not the in-your-face, brash display of masculine bravado, but rather a refined, sophisticated, and incredibly orchestrated event of sport and science. All done with electricity, computers, technology.  Speed isn’t sacrificed, in fact, it is increased.  Engineers and drivers are in constant communication, working as one. The thrill is less about the sounds and smell – and all about the storage and management of potential energy - and its eventual explosive, magnificent conversion to kinetic energy and mind-bending acceleration and speed.  Sound and feel are replaced by the potential, the bet on the best and most efficient use of engineering, science and physics.  It’s batteries, Baby!

    After decades of trial and error, empty promises, and even industrial sabotage – EV’s are finally hitting the scene. While the first generation of the current crop of EV entrants have mostly died off (Fiskar anyone?). One notable company, Tesla, has not only survived, but triumphed against all odds and emerged as a global leader in the automotive industry, writ large (don’t get me started on Tesla’s Ludicrous Mode). While some may argue that EV’s aren’t out of the woods yet, Tesla alone puts up a compelling counterpoint given that it’s current market cap of $600 Billion is several times larger than those of the Big 3 auto makers…combined.  In fact, EV’s are not just a reality – they’ve become mainstream and a part of everyday life.  Let’s just say we’ve come a long way since the first commercially viable EV effort, the Electrobat was introduced in 1894!   

    America is embracing electric transportation fast and furious.  Enter the coffers of the US government with programs like National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program and we are in the throes of the movement to a more cost-effective, cleaner, quieter technology with its primary goal of addressing climate change.  Whether the proliferation of EVs will really improve climate change or if our infrastructure is even ready to handle the immense increase in grid demand, is another story.  For now, it’s the wave of our future.

    As infrastructure designers, developers, builders, and managers, this means a new movement in the telecommunications industry.  A new division of technology to be rapidly deployed.  Cities with charging stations will be more attractive and have more resources to make their cities shine.  Housing developments with charging stations will offer additional features to their occupants and have another way to generate revenue.  Shopping centers, airports, parking garages… the list goes on for monetization opportunities. Oh, and they all need to be connected! But what does it take to install a charging station?  Land, electricity, backhaul, permitting. Property research, land acquisition, permitting, engineering, construction, program management.  Sound familiar?  For those of us in the telecommunications industry, this is what we have been doing for the past ~30+ years with wireless mobile telecommunications. 

    So, pull up your bootstraps, and get ready for an exciting time.  As all telecom industry initiatives begin, the movement is underway and we’re behind.  Get ready to be involved, get educated and enjoy the ride.

    Over MWC in Las Vegas this year, I had the opportunity to ride the Vegas Loop, between the Convention Center and the The Resorts hotel property.   The underground high-speed transit system is the brainchild of Elon Musk, the ultimate champion of electric and autonomous vehicles. 

    The ride mirrored that of an amusement park attraction.  The lane was just wide enough for the car and the tunnel was lit, but not by natural light.  The Tesla that chauffeured us reached a top speed of only 40mph, though I understand the long-term goal for greater distances is upwards of 100mph!  And…autonomous, of course.

    Space and time became irrelevant as we sped under the glitz and grit of sin city.  Three minutes later we emerged at our destination.  Total cost $3.

    I’m sold.  Ludicrous Electrobat, anyone?

  • 28 Oct 2022 10:07 AM | Anonymous

    Candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are currently serving in leadership with WWLF and will be installed in January 2023.

    Nominations will be received from October 31 – November 14, and voting for candidates will take place between November 21 – December 16.

    You must be an active member in order to nominate and to cast your vote!

    For more information about qualifications for nominations, please contact Amanda Cahill at

    For more information about joining WWLF or renewing your membership, please visit our website

  • 28 Oct 2022 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    According to a 2022 Deloitte article, the technology and telecommunications sectors are set to close the gender gap in the years ahead. Both industries are expected to see an increase in women in the industry and in more senior roles. As more women begin to join the telecommunications industry it is important that they are equipped with the knowledge to ask for and negotiate the compensation packages they deserve. A few keywords to keep in mind when approaching a salary negotiation are time, research, and expectations.

    Taking your time prior to a negotiation goes a long way. During my first few professional negotiation experiences, I was impatient, so I took whatever amount was offered to me. I was eager to start at the company and insecure in my abilities, so I wanted to get the paperwork completed as soon as possible. In retrospect, I could have positioned myself into a better deal if I was more comfortable with taking my time. When a compensation package is offered to you, ask if you can take some time to think about it. Even if you know what to counter with or are happy with the initial offer, asking for some time to think about the offer allows you the opportunity to do additional research and set your expectations. The negotiation phase is your opportunity to take your time before you move forward with a company. The highest salary increases are often seen when joining a new company versus moving upwards within your current organization.

    WWLF Director Debra Mercier’s number one tip when it comes to salary negotiation is “do your research”. Research is the second keyword to think about when preparing for a negotiation and it extends beyond just looking at what a company typically offers for a certain position. The first step of completing research starts with using tools such as LinkedIn Premium or Glassdoor to see what the company typically offers for the position you are applying for. Next, look at similar positions in the company and the positions that are above the one you will hopefully be accepting.  Understanding the base salary for numerous positions in an organization allows you to be knowledgeable about what you can potentially earn as you promote within the organization. The next step is to engage with your professional network. Reach out to professionals you know in the industry and ask them “what would you expect the salary range for this position to be?”. The members in WWLF are great resources to field this information. Many of the women in this organization are well versed in the salaries for different positions and have most likely been in similar positions as you. Another tip is to look at different job titles that have similar responsibilities. The job titles between companies may vary but taking the time to research the salaries tied to positions that have similar objectives to the one you are applying for leaves you better equipped in your negotiation. 

    The third key word to think about is expectations. The research portion of your prep allows you to set expectations around what the position offers but you also want to set expectations around yourself. Think about what your minimum acceptable number is and how to respond to it. Prepare written responses to accept, counteroffer or decline. These responses and numbers should vary from company to company depending on the full compensation package.

    With time, research, and proper expectations, any newcomer to the telecommunications industry should be well equipped in their negotiations.  In addition to this, joining WWLF and connecting with women who have experience in this male-dominated field is a sure-fire way to position yourself for success as you join a new company.

  • 28 Oct 2022 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    You may have seen the acronym ESG floating around, especially in earnings reports and company updates. This relatively new concept is gaining momentum and shaping the way many companies are doing business.

    What is ESG? ESG stands for ‘Environmental, Social and Governance,’ and it describes factors many companies are now using to guide their operations with responsibility and ethics toward society in mind. The theory behind ESG is that a focus on these three tenets of company behavior, including hiring practices and operational processes, makes the company more attractive to investors, customers, regulators and employees. ESG also is thought to reduce various risks and increase company success.

    Environmental factors generally refer to how a company safeguards the environment, including energy consumption, emissions and equipment end-of-life. Social factors refer to how the company manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers and the community. Governance addresses the company’s leadership, executive pay, internal controls and shareholder rights.

    ESG considerations can vary widely among industries. In the wireless industry, for example, infrastructure that connects individuals, companies and governments typically consume about 1 percent of a country’s total electricity consumption, according to PwC Partner Rolf Meakin in an interview with Financier Worldwide. The ongoing rollout of the next generation of ultra-high-speed communications networks will enable greater economic inclusion and have the potential to improve energy efficiency, he said.

    Several companies in the wireless infrastructure ecosystem are already forging ahead with ESG initiatives.

    American Tower reports on its ESG initiatives annually. For 2021, the company pointed to its efforts to reduce emissions, expand its portfolio of solar capacity, continue to establish digital communities, distribute nearly $6 million in workplace giving and matching programs and become a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact and the UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles.

    “Our sustainability program is grounded in our strategic priorities to foster a more equitable culture for our employees, improve our operational efficiencies, support the needs of our customers, uphold ethics and integrity at every level of the organization and engage with our local communities,” said Tom Bartlett, president and CEO of American Tower. ”Steadfast commitment to these key priorities will be integral to our continued success, especially as we continue to grow our business in this technology-driven era.”

    DigitalBridge Group Inc. published its 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report this summer, which outlines the company’s approach to creating a positive global impact, driving sustainable growth and advancing its ESG initiatives across its portfolio companies, as well as notable recent ESG achievements and commitments for 2022.

    “At DigitalBridge, we are focused on raising the bar as we invest in value-add digital infrastructure opportunities,” said Marc Ganzi, chief executive officer of DigitalBridge. “We are proud to have further evolved our responsible, sustainable approach to owning and managing our portfolio companies over the past year. Moreover, the successful implementation of our company-wide ESG initiatives and commitment to reaching net zero by 2030 have set higher standards for us all.”

    In addition to its commitment for portfolio companies to achieve net zero, DigitalBridge has worked to ensure all its portfolio companies manage their environmental performance in a manner that seeks to conserve natural resources, reduce operating costs and adhere to all local regulations.

    Belden, a global supplier of specialty networking solutions, announced its first reporting of ESG data this year. Belden’s environmental goals include reducing greenhouse emissions; increasing the use of renewable electricity and increasing total global electricity use efficiency at manufacturing and distribution locations; minimizing waste generation including hazardous wastes and requiring recycling of waste rather than disposal. Belden’s social goals include fostering a culture of teamwork through diversity and inclusion. The company hired a director of inclusive culture and has a goal of delivering unconscious bias training to 100 percent of its team worldwide by 2025.

    “ESG is a key piece of Belden’s overall strategy,” said Roel Vestjens, president and CEO. “These efforts will positively impact Belden associates, enhance our care of the world around us, and continue our long-standing commitment to operating with the highest level of ethics and responsibility. From our ESG commitment to our shift to providing comprehensive solutions for our customers, many of which enable them to accomplish their own sustainability goals, there are many initiatives taking place which demonstrate the transformation driving the next chapter in Belden’s history. I’m so proud of all Belden associates who share the passion for bringing this to life.”

  • 05 Oct 2022 6:40 PM | Anonymous

    This past August, WWLF held another dynamic virtual book discussion.  I was thrilled to co-lead the session along with WWLF Vice-President, Beth Martindale.  Our choice of book was the inspirational “Unapologetically Ambitious” by Shellye Archambeau. Shellye is the former CEO of MetricStream.  Ms. Archambeau has over 30 years of experience in technology leading organizations focused on business-to-business as well as business-to-consumer.

    The book begins with her remarkable childhood beginnings and paints a vivid picture of her loving family and the values they instilled in her.  Like many parents, they sacrificed and saved to afford quality experiences and education for their children.  But Shellye remembers these “sacrifices” as “choices” and uses this notion as a framework for her story.

    She divides her book into five distinct sections and offers advice and insights on how to navigate the various stages of professional and personal life.  Some of the Early Lessons in Part One are: “Create Your Own Luck” and “Beware of Imposter Syndrome”.  One of the chapters that really resonated with the WWLF members on the video call was “Find Your Cheerleaders” - “We all need cheerleaders in life:  People who, when things aren’t going well, will believe in you and tell you you’re a good person.”  For Archambeau, her family was her first cheerleaders.  Through WWLF, we have found cheerleaders who support each other.

    In the chapter entitled “Set Your Goals”, the author writes about her “seemingly insatiable craving for recognition.”  With vivid honesty, she recounts her early realizations that being involved in organizations gave her a way to show leadership and make an impact, even as a high schooler.  A younger version of herself connected the dots that would lead her to set a goal of wanting to run a business someday.

    In Part Two, “Strategize for Success”, she digs into the juice of the book about her planning and preparation.  In the chapter on Fostering Self-Determination, Shellye writes about the three key factors of self-determination: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.  “Research has shown that if you don’t have all three, you’ll be more likely to struggle or withdraw from challenges… Looking back I see how carefully my parents steered me toward developing all three categories.”

    Part Three is about “Living the Plan” and her descriptions of how she put her ambitious and thoughtful plan into action are fascinating!  Each goal was executed, from her choice of qualities in a spouse to the timing of when she had children.  Shellye Archambeau moved forward with no second thoughts.  The chapter about delegating hit home for me.  Her advice echoes many other management and leadership experts: Learn to delegate.  “I don’t mean that senior people don’t work hard.  Most do.  But they take on less creation personally.  They inspire, direct, review, edit, and enable their teams to get the necessary work done.”  The author challenges her readers to Embrace their Limits, Live Your Values, and, somewhat controversially, “Forget about Work/Life Balance.”  “I believe in making choices, not sacrifices.”

    In Part Four of the book, entitled “Swerve,” we join the author as she matures into her life and career and has to make even more difficult decisions in order to achieve her goals.  She acknowledges the choices that took her away from her family, especially as she pursued a new position in Silicon Valley.  I don’t want to spoil the ending, but for those who aren’t familiar with Ms. Archambeau’s trajectory, let’s just say she had to make some tough decisions in order to build and grow each company that she was a part of, especially the technology start-ups she joined.  Her tenacity is catching.  You cannot help but be inspired by her journey.  She also shares encouragement with her readers..  “Believe in yourself.  Set your goals.  Go after them.  Reap the rewards.  You deserve it.  These are the messages I want you to take with you.”

    In the final section, Improving Your Odds, she covers such topics as Finding Your Mentors, Building Your Network, and Taking Risks.  Her story is more than just a how-to but also serves to inspire and embolden women to take action to further their career without apologies!

  • 05 Oct 2022 6:31 PM | Anonymous

    Catching up with friends, coworkers and industry colleagues is something I enjoy doing. Seeing how they are doing, talking about how they are managing their workload, and recently there’s been a lot of concern ‘how can someone do it all?’. The joke was “you can’t have a clean house, healthy habits, and a growing career all at once, you can only pick two of those things and realistically succeed.” That was concerning for me and made me adjust my attitude at what success means for me.

    Oftentimes, as women we wear many hats, both in our personal life and our professional life. Having the energy to wear all these hats, and be the best you can for each hat- isn’t always an easy task. You can look at some influencers, girl bosses, and public figures and ask “How do they have the time and energy to do it all?!” The answer is complicated, yet simple: Use your energy where it is needed. Complicated and simple. You can not be 100% for all things, at all times. So use your energy wisely.

    Psychology Today lists 5 easy ways to ‘use your energy wisely’, and it breaks down to find what is important to you, what you like, and spend energy there. This advice can be applied to personal relationships, professional tasks, and with yourself as you mentally divide and conquer the day. Planning where NOT to invest your time is probably easier than finding where to invest your time. Is it Cleaning? Is it that weekly Ladies Happy Hour you dread? Is it deciding dinner every night? Find what you dislike and see if there's a way to navigate around or make those draining tasks easier on you.

    Find ways you can save your energy for things that are important to you, such as dinner with the family – exercising – or that Sunday night bubble bath. I’ll never forget the conversation where I was complaining about how someone can do it all and have a clean house, because the answer was – they can’t. I actually like cleaning, it gives me peace of mind- but with two pets I am unable to keep up with it while I travel for work, so I passed it on and found a service that cleans my space while I’m traveling for work. It added years to my life, I swear.

    So the answer is- find shortcuts for your life, if you have the finances to cover gaps in your life- go for it! there is no shame in outsourcing things you don’t have energy or time to do so you can spend your precious energy where it matters. You can do it all, and phoning in help is the best way to keep your sanity while doing it.


    Bregman, P. (2016)  How We Work
  • 05 Oct 2022 6:26 PM | Anonymous

    Ashley DeCabia, Account Executive, EBI Consulting

    How long have you been a City/Regional Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region?
    Northeast Director of Events since 2017,  I joined WWLF in 2010

    How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?  
    The WWLF community has always felt like my second family in the telecom industry.  Many of the women that are involved today as Executive Leaders, Directors, City Representatives & Members have been part of the community with me for the last 10+ years.  When I began my Sales role in ~2010 they opened their arms to me and no matter where I was traveling or what event I was attending I knew there would be a familiar face/name. 

    Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?  
    I started my career in Telecom right out of college in 2005 working at an Engineering firm in upstate NY (my Ocean Engineering degree somehow landed me in a role with a team providing geotechnical and due diligence for wireless installations).  In 2007 I joined EBI Consulting as a Project Manager and transitioned into the Telecom Sales Team in 2010.  Fifteen years later I am still part of the EBI family as the Eastern Region Account Executive.

    What is your favorite Quote?
    “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget the way you made them feel.”

    What has been the best experience you’ve had with WWLF? 
    I don’t even know where to start, there have been too many amazing experiences, events, conversations, meetings, webinars, etc.  Recently we launched the Richmond market and it was a remarkable experience bringing new and legacy members together.  To name a few; Ericka Lewis launched the market as City Representative, Kelsey Trundle (who has grown with me in the wireless industry since 2013) presented on “Knowing Your Worth” and Carolyn Hardwick, former WWLF President, traveled from Atlanta to be a part of the impactful launch event.  Truly represented the WWLF community and showed the amazing future of the organization.      

    What does confidence mean to you? 
    The recent quote of the day in a Coaching Program I am involved with was “Confidence is what happens when courage meets preparation.”  This hit home with me, as it is so true and personally I feel it relates to my growth in my Sales position in the wireless world.

    How do you define success? 
    Success to me means being happy, satisfied, confident and content.

  • 02 Sep 2022 5:13 PM | Anonymous

    After the Great Resignation:  Your Next Move
    By Carolyn Hardwick, Senior Vice President, Engineering, Stratis 

    We are all too familiar with the phrase “the great resignation.” Over 47 million Americans left their jobs by the end of 2021, and there were 11.26 million job openings (Zippia) in the United States in January 2022.  What do these statistics mean for employers and for employees?  Many companies state that their toughest challenges these days are recruiting, managing, and retaining employees.  As a manager who has interviewed over 300 candidates over the last 3 years, I can tell you that recruiting and managing is not for the faint of heart.  To take it a step further and to be honest, lately, I have seen candidates and employees behaving badly.

    You may be one of the telecom workers who analyzed your work situation and decided to resign in the past 18 months.  With the new challenges of working from home, flexing your schedule, or juggling home-schooling with work demands, perhaps you decided to pursue a position that offered better work-life balance, higher pay, or better benefits.  Job candidates and employees hold a lot of power in today’s job market.  “To put it simply, the bar has been raised and the power has transitioned from the hands of the employer to those of the employee.” says Kristen Fowler, Vice President at JMJ Phillip Executive Search, writes in Forbes.

    I recently heard the phrase, “with great power comes great responsibility”, a line quoted by Peter Parker in Marvel’s Spiderman.  It is similar to a Biblical parable of the faithful servant in Luke 12:48: "To whomever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked”.  If you know you are in a favorable and powerful position as an employee or prospective employee, shouldn’t you use your abilities in the best possible way? 

    If you are contemplating change or are in the throes of recruiting for your next position, what’s your next move? Knowing those first impressions are lasting impressions, I hope that everyone, whether interviewing or simply attending work meetings, adheres to some basic business guidelines: be prepared, be prompt, listen more than you speak, and dress professionally.  Even in a virtual setting, showing up late, being disheveled, wearing your “weekend casual” attire, and being unprepared demonstrates disrespect to your audience.  

    Be realistic about your worth and your experience.  If you’ve been in the industry with little or no experience, know that you will be offered an entry-level position with a commensurate salary.  Be realistic, but don’t disqualify yourself by demanding an unrealistically high salary.  Be prepared to go through months of training, and be willing to work diligently to get to the next level.  I recently spoke with a CEO who credits his success to being the person who was willing to do the jobs no one wanted to take.  He also took every opportunity to learn something new, take advice from managers, and believed that there was no limit to what he could achieve.

    Finally, if you have landed a new job, stop looking.  Your new employer has hired you with confidence and is ready to train and retain you.  It is inappropriate to start your position, yet continue to interview with other companies.  It is also unfair to start a position, then threaten to leave within the first 90 days with mention that another company has approached you with a better offer.  Don’t burn that bridge with a company that is investing in you as part of their team.

    Remember your power and your responsibility.  Be humble.  We can all learn.  “There can be a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Confident people are naturally magnetic, but nobody is attracted to people who act superior to others” (Celia Harvey) Let’s all put our best foot forward and raise the bar with our best efforts and contributions.  Decide to bring your A-game every day, and you’ll see an incredible return on your personal investment.  Don’t let anyone hold you back, including yourself.

    18 Great Resignation Statistics [2022]: Why Are Americans Leaving Their Jobs? – Zippia

    Why Is It So Hard to Find the Right Candidates in Todays Economy


  • 02 Sep 2022 5:07 PM | Anonymous

    Arelis Baden
    WWLF City Rep South Carolina
    Kineticom, Regional Manager

    1) How long have you been a City/Regional Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region?I began as a City Rep in Michigan and am currently the City Rep for South Carolina.

    2) Why did you join WWLF?When I started in the industry, I saw WWLF as a great way to network but realized quickly that was only a small part of it. Getting to know some of the ladies locally and nationally made it a fun way to connect and support each other in the industry.

    3) How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?Being part of the WWLF has helped me grow in my career by getting to meet so many strong professional women who boost your level of confidence and help mentor you as you develop in your career.

    4) Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?
    I started in Telecom staffing 10 years ago and I am currently a Regional Manager at Kineticom.

    5) What has been the best experience you’ve had with WWLF?
    All the experiences I have had have been extremely rewarding, but overall, I am happy to be a part of the organization because I am able to connect with strong women. Over the years going to events and meeting these women, I have been able to see how everyone grows individually, and it inspires me to work harder and continue excelling in my job.

    6) What does confidence mean to you?
    Confidence to me means staying focused on how I as an individual can grow personally and professionally, staying positive, motivated, and patient in order to achieve my goals.

    7) How would you describe yourself in three words?
    I would describe myself as positive, grateful, and motivated.

    8) What do you like to do outside of work?
    Outside of work, I love to travel, experience new restaurants, and spend time with my daughter.

  • 01 Aug 2022 1:53 PM | Anonymous

    Juliette D. Hamer
    Business Development, Director of Sales, Tillman Infrastructure

    When I started in telecom in 1993, I had just moved to Texas from Los Angeles and was working for a temp agency.  They placed me at a two-way radio company called A&B Electronics as a file clerk. I had no idea what two-way was, let alone what they even did! I had plans to be an architect: I would design, and my dad would build. Little did I know my path was about to change.

    Time went on and A&B Electronics grew to be Pittencrieff Communications and a few years later was acquired by a little company we all know: Nextel Communications. I was so eager to learn and absorb as much as I could from the people that took the time to teach me. I wanted to be in every department so I could understand how each impacted one another. And that I did, I would soon move from filing to air-time billing, to a position as an executive assistant to the Director of Operations as well as Human Resources in my early years. 

    Several years later, I started working for Titan Towers, and this was truly my introduction to legal and the tower side of vertical real estate. I had the most incredible leaders at Titan who mentored me, many of whom are still in the industry. While I was working at Titan Towers, I found my groove and knew I was headed in the right direction. I was hooked on wireless. After a brief stint on the carrier side working for T-Mobile, I soon went back to the tower side with Mountain Union Telecom, T-Mobile Towers, and Crown Castle. My direction shifted and the collective experience from my past gave me the confidence to continue to pursue advancement. Currently, I work at Tillman Infrastructure as their Director of Sales. This is a position I created in tandem with my boss, as a solution to business needs and the next step in my career advancement.

    Of all the lessons I have learned over the years, one of my key takeaways is you do not have to stay in a role that is not the right fit for you. If you find yourself in a role that is not fulfilling, glean the information you can while seeking out your next opportunity. Always trust your gut and surround yourself with teams that make you strive to be better. Find companies that believe in you and give you the platform to grow and be the best version of yourself. As you continue to grow, establish relationships, and pivot to the next endeavor, pause and enjoy the journey and never forget the “telecom roots'' you came from.

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