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WWLF News and Annoucements

  • 01 Dec 2023 1:51 PM | Anonymous

    Sara Muehlberger
    WWLF Southeast Regional Director

    The Women's Wireless Leadership Forum (WWLF) continues to pave the way for empowerment and innovation within the telecommunications industry, fostering an environment that promotes growth, leadership, and community engagement.

    About our Southeast Regional Rep:
    Sara Muehlberger's journey within the WWLF is marked by her leadership and dedication to advancing the role of women in the telecommunications sector. Having served as the Atlanta City Representative from 2019 to 2023, Sara's passion for fostering an inclusive and supportive environment has been evident throughout her tenure. Her recent appointment as the Southeast Regional Director further solidifies her commitment to driving growth and empowerment within the region's telecommunications landscape.

    Beyond her role within the WWLF, Sara has been employed at Terracon Consultants since 2014 as a Client Development Specialist and National Accounts Manager. Sara also holds a pivotal position as the Vice President of the Georgia Wireless Association, as well as serving on the South Wireless Summit Committee, as the Assistant Director of Registration. Sara’s involvement with these professional affiliations underscores her dedication to fostering collaboration and networking opportunities within the telecommunications community.

    A Network of Empowerment: The Southeast City Representatives
    Sara’s commitment to growth and empowerment extends beyond her own role. As the Southeast Regional Director, she has been instrumental in nurturing a network of dedicated City Representatives across the region. These representatives include Danielle Etzbach (Atlanta), Heidi Nelson (New Orleans), Megan Reed (Charlotte), Bailey Lively (Columbia), Leticia Latino-van Splunteren (Boca Raton), Jennifer Jack (Louisville), and Chrissy Robinson (Tampa). Together, this team of trailblazers embodies the core values of the WWLF, promoting diversity, inclusion, and the advancement of women in the telecommunications sector.

  • 01 Dec 2023 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    Courtney Davis

    WWLF Co-Director of Education,
    Vice-President at MD7

    World Mental Health Day takes place every year on October 10 to raise worldwide awareness of mental health issues. This year, WWLF hosted a webinar panel titled, “Carrying a Heavy Load,” to bring awareness to World Mental Health Day and specifically how it relates to women in our industry. The panel was made up of a team of female leaders in our industry, as well as a mental health expert.

    Panelists included:

    Carolyn Hardwick (Moderator) – President at Stratis, Inc. (WWLF Vice President and Past President)
    Amanda Cahill – Sr. Director, Business Development at Network Connex (Past WWLF President)
    Ashli Fuslier – Multi-Tasking Queen at SMW Engineering (Current WWLF Secretary)
    Patti Ringo – (WWLF Founder and Past President)
    Waverly Cole, MFTI – Family Therapist

    As women, we often find ourselves shouldering a substantial mental load as we navigate through a myriad of responsibilities. World Mental Health Day provided a timely opportunity to shed light on the challenges we face and explore effective strategies to alleviate the mental burden. Patti Ringo's insightful advice, "Learn to use the tools all around you to simplify your life. Your phone, your computer, written notes, Alexa…whatever you like the best. It may feel a little time-consuming and overwhelming to spend time getting your devices to cater to your life, but ultimately it is an investment in your mental health," serves as a wonderful suggestion for women seeking balance in their lives.

    In a world where technology is omnipresent, and especially considering the industry in which we work, Patti’s words resonate. The demands on women have multiplied, encompassing professional pursuits, familial responsibilities, and personal aspirations. The tools she mentions—phones, computers, and virtual assistants—can be harnessed to streamline tasks, manage schedules, and create a more efficient and organized lifestyle. By utilizing these resources, women can regain some control over their time and energy, promoting mental well-being.

    Amanda Cahill, a proponent of intentional living and mental health, underscores the pivotal role of mornings in shaping the trajectory of our days. "How you start your day is everything, from the thoughts you think as soon as you wake up to the actions you take after getting out of bed. Having a consistent morning routine has been crucial in helping me achieve success, as well as the calmness and happiness I carry throughout the day. I’ve found that if I can control the beginning of my day, I have a much better chance of controlling the middle and end of my day." Amanda’s wisdom emphasizes the power of intentional morning routines in promoting success, tranquility, and overall mental wellness.

    For many of us, the concept of a morning routine might seem like a luxury amid chaotic schedules. However, Amanda’s words serve as a gentle reminder that investing time at the start of the day is an investment in mental health. This could include activities such as mindfulness exercises, like the meditation led at the end of the panel by Lauren Goff, Environmental Service Group Leader at Ramaker and WWLF Co-Director of Ways & Means. By consciously shaping the early hours of the day, we can set a positive tone that ripples throughout the rest of our daily endeavors.

    Mental Health Resource List

  • 30 Aug 2023 9:20 AM | Anonymous

    Amelia De Jesus

    WWLF Past President Vice President
    Workforce Solutions, WIA

    As the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is set to unleash an unprecedented amount of federal funds to expand high-speed internet access as part of the Biden-Harris administration’s “Internet for All” initiative, all 50 states and U.S. territories have now received their initial planning funds as of Dec 23, 2023.

    With the broadband-related portion of the IIJA made up of two major funding sources – $42.5 billion in the Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program and $2.5 billion in Digital Equity Act (DEA) programs – each state will receive $100 million in BEAD funding, plus an additional amount based on a formula that includes how many unserved and underserved households are in each state.

    The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is allocating $42.45 billion to expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment, and adoption programs in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and US territories through the recently announced Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program.

    The impact of this infrastructure investment on the broadband ecosystem will be significant. While fiber is considered a primary focus of BEAD, a variety of technologies, including fixed wireless, will need to be deployed to provide high-speed internet access for all Americans. The increased demand for broadband will prompt the emergence of new providers in the market, new technologies, and new strategies to provide better access to the Internet. This will undoubtedly result in increased competition and more options for consumers, resulting in better service, lower prices, and more jobs.

    The investment in infrastructure will only be successful if it includes a commensurate investment in human capital. This historic influx of federal funding and the resulting broadband infrastructure builds will create a nationwide demand for skilled labor exceeding our current workforce.

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the telecommunications workforce has declined every year over the past decade, down 23% from 854,200 in January 2013 to an estimated 656,700 workers in January 2023. While the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds there are mixed indicators of an industry-wide labor shortage, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finds average turnover to be 56.9% for construction and 54.9% for utilities.

    Number of US Telecommunications Employees 2013 - 2023

    To meet the demand for broadband buildout spurred by the BEAD Program, a record number of laborers, technicians, engineers, and managers will be needed, and having an available, skilled, and diverse workforce will be essential to the Program’s success. States will need a comprehensive approach with a workforce development strategy that invests in skills, training, and recruiting.

    The good news is that BEAD offers states an unprecedented opportunity to invest in broadband and 5G career pathways as workforce development is an eligible use of funding. States will have a unique opportunity to invest in education and training for new workers as well as re-skilling and upskilling for potential workers who are unemployed or underemployed.

    Fortunately for the broadband industry, over the last decade, The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) has been focused on creating and scaling workforce development solutions. WIA created the Telecommunications Education Center (TEC) – a leader in training and curricula for the broadband workforce, offering over 40 courses tailored to the industry's training, education, and professional development needs. The association also pioneered the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP), which boasts 93 employers, 15 approved occupations, and more than 4000 apprentices. They also lead the state of Ohio’s Broadband and 5G Sector Partnership, where, as an intermediary, they convene government, academia, and industry to provide insights while planning and executing broadband-related education and training programs statewide.

    Generally, this important BEAD funding program is designed to ensure equitable access to reliable, high-speed internet for all Americans. We, as an industry, need to attract, retain, and/or transition the skilled workforce. We should raise career awareness to attract covered populations or the underprivileged to join the workforce and focus on industry-validated and credentialed training and education. The program's impact on the broadband industry is substantial, and its importance should not be overlooked. By providing support for broadband infrastructure, services, and public computer centers, the BEAD program helps to create broadband jobs and careers, will lead to equity, and stimulate economic growth in communities nationwide.

    BEAD Reference:

    WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Bipartisan Leaders Applaud Biden-⁠Harris Administration’s Announcement of Over 40B for High-Speed Internet to Kick off Investing in America Tour

  • 30 Aug 2023 9:06 AM | Anonymous

    Our industry is, in many ways, an unsung hero. It operates behind the curtain, yet it’s the machine fueling the connectivity our world relies on. Despite the insatiable demand for data and a promising future driven by digital infrastructure, the market is not immune to slowdowns.

    Carrie Charles, who began her career in the Marines, is currently CEO of Broadstaff, a nationally certified, woman and veteran-owned staffing firm, specializing in telecom. I interviewed Carrie to get her take on what is happening in the wireless workforce– good and bad.

    A Deceleration, Not A Pause

    Some have suggested telecom has hit a full stop. However, Charles recently attended a private event alongside key industry leaders who instead described it as a “deceleration.” Carriers’ 5G activity has been more coordinated compared to years’ past. Plus, Dish reached its 70% buildout milestone in June. “All of that combined, it feels more impactful than ever before, even though it’s cyclical and we’ve been through this with every ‘G,’” says Charles.

    That ‘deceleration’ has however prompted layoffs. There is a trickle-down effect stemming from the carriers, impacting all facets of the wireless infrastructure ecosystem. And it’s likely to continue, as Charles believes there are companies that are still in a contemplation phase, trying to determine when the turnaround will begin. “Those companies haven’t started the layoff process but may need to. It’s a matter of how long this cycle lasts,” she says.

    In the wake of layoffs, many feel uncertain about their next move. As someone who works with both candidates and hiring organizations, Ms. Charles recommends taking on the search for employment, “like a full-time job.” Wake up, complete your typical routine, and approach the job hunt like your career.

    “Be vocal and visible on LinkedIn and with your network,” she suggests, “You’re instantly a salesperson, for yourself. Re-skill and up-skill yourself,” via training programs through organizations such as WIA, TEC, Learning Alliance and community colleges. “Learn more about the fiber side,” says Charles. “There is $42B in funding that is going to be distributed soon, so there is a lot of opportunity.” (Editor’s note: Read the following article about BEAD by Amelia De Jesus)

    Emerging Opportunities

    It's not all doom and gloom. Charles identified a new trend: Unemployed wireless workers are being retrained and reskilled on the fiber side. “There are companies that are already having success with this. They’re training tower climbers and tower techs as fiber techs.” And in turn, many feel the experience will ultimately make them better tower technicians. Workers are applying transferable skill sets while diversifying their expertise. “There’s a silver lining there. There's an opportunity to keep our workforce employed while we wait this out.”

    There’s also significant buzz about AI. Broadstaff is already using it for sourcing. Its talent platform delivers access to millions of skilled candidates, some that are never seen in resume databases. “I truly believe AI is going to transform every industry, our lives. It’s going to be everywhere,” said Charles, who is confident it will drive digital infrastructure. “It’s something we need to pay attention to, we need to understand it. We don’t need to be experts. But we can’t be afraid of it.”

    More People in the Marketplace but a Specific Workforce Deficit Remains

    According to Charles, there are generally more people in the marketplace due to macroeconomic factors, increased interest rates and the higher cost of capital. “There are more candidates in the broader sphere, but it’s challenging to find the right fit for niche roles. There’s still a looming shortage on the broadband side. We’re not out of the woods just yet,” says Charles.

    She has seen a lot of activity and attention around workforce development, citing apprenticeships and even internal training programs. At the same time, Charles believes many of the initiatives need more time to gain traction. “People are identifying the problem and building solutions, but we haven’t seen them all come to fruition. There’s still a massive need for broadband technicians to complete what needs to be done over the next several years.”

    What else can be done? “We need to educate young people about this prospect, particularly in middle school and high school. We need outreach to those who have taken breaks from the workforce and are looking to step back in. We need wider initiatives in the way of communication to say, ‘we are here as an industry and it’s a great industry, and it’s an option for you.’” Charles also says scaling the available programs across the country will be crucial.

    A Forward-Thinking Future: Diversity, Inclusion & Retention

    On the other side, companies need to focus on keeping the talent they have.

    Recent research by Accenture suggests that 83% of employees prefer a hybrid work model. “Offering some sort of flexibility to your employees is going to strengthen retention. That’s the way the world is going – like it or not. It’s certainly a heated subject,” says Charles.

    Leadership should create a candidate pool of diversity and inclusion. Charles notes it’s more challenging in certain industries like construction but that can be improved upon with better education and communication centered around women.

    “Mentorship and sponsorship are also huge for women entering any male-populated industry,” says Charles. “Make sure you have mentors – male or female – and a sponsor inside your organization.” Last but certainly not least, prioritize personal branding. “I think that’s something we need to be better at. Just getting out there. We feel uncomfortable with self-promotion, but we need a brand within our network.” Once women are within the organization, ensure there is a clear path to leadership and growth.

  • 04 Jun 2023 1:09 PM | Anonymous

    Regional Director: Nancy Hernandez, Central Region Representative for WWLF

    Nancy is a Senior Project Manager for the Civil Engineering department at Tower Engineering Professionals. Nancy is a dedicated and highly driven professional who resides in the Chicago Northwest Suburbs. She began her career in the wireless industry in 2007 as a project designer and quickly discovered her interests in civil engineering and project management.

    Nancy strives for success and thanks to her strong long-term relationships with her mentors and industry partners who’ve guided her along the way, she continues to raise her bar to grow, advance, support, and mentor our upcoming leaders.

    She is an active member of the Illinois Wireless Association, Wisconsin Wireless and Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum. Nancy has held the position of Co-Committee City Representative and currently holds the position of Regional Director of events for Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum , overseeing 11 cities in the central region. In addition, she is an active Board Director member and co-chair for membership/sponsorship for Illinois State Wireless Association.

    In her free time, Nancy treasures her time with her family enjoying outdoor activities, sports and traveling. Creating digital photo albums from all the long-lasting memories is something she strives for.

    If you are interested in getting more involved in WWLF events in the Central Region of the United States, please reach out to Nancy at

    WWLF currently has City Reps in the following major metro areas:

    Kansas City/St. Louis
    Sioux Falls

    Already in 2023 WWLF City Reps have hosted some fabulous events!


    • Volunteer day at San Lucas Church of Christ cooking, feeding, giving blessing bags and haircuts to the homeless community.
    • Networking and Wine Tasting at Cooper's Hawk


    • Volunteers made 100 non-perishable meals for Kids' Meals Houston, an organization that delivers healthy meals to children facing debilitating hunger due to extreme poverty.
    Detroit Metro Area
    • Volunteer Day/Meet & Greet to collect, organize and distribute food to 20 local Little Food Pantries. Venue: Whiskey Taco Foxtrot.
  • 04 Jun 2023 1:05 PM | Anonymous

    Despite recent efforts to foster diversity and inclusivity in corporate America, many industries remain male-dominated. This is especially true for the telecoms industry, where historic barriers have impeded progress. Although it is estimated (Zippia) that only 34% of telecom employees are female, this number is gradually increasing and can be further improved by advocating from within.

    As CEO of Tillman Infrastructure, I am passionate about ensuring that we push that percentage significantly higher, not only within my own organization, but throughout the industry. My journey to CEO has been incredibly rewarding, but as I’m sure many women will attest to from their own experiences, it has had a unique set of challenges.

    Following my graduation from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, I began working as an analyst at Citigroup. I had the opportunity to be a part of a core team that was integrating and growing a new business unit into the organization, so I was exposed not only to the finances but also the operations of the group. After a few years, I felt the desire to further my education, which led me to leave Citigroup and earn my master’s degree in business administration from INSEAD.

    Upon completion, I was hired as an investment analyst at MAST Capital Management. This role taught me how to determine the key levers in the operations of a company that drive value, as well as how an optimized capital structure can help fuel growth of a business. I learned so much from my peers and mentors at MAST, but after four and half years I was ready for a change – and I missed my family. This led me to approach my father about joining him and my brother in scaling his business, Tillman Global Holdings, an investor, owner, and operator of telecoms assets around the world. Committed to instilling fairness and transparency across the telecoms industry, Tillman Global Holdings proved to be the ideal place for personal and professional growth.

    As with any company just starting out, Tillman Infrastructure’s team was small, but agile. Titles were not structured or assigned, so I spent time across all sectors of the business, from hiring to operations, which allowed me to apply my skills and industry knowledge to scale the business.

    By joining Tillman at its roots, I was able to grow simultaneously with the company, which is a unique opportunity I will always be grateful for. I was exposed to countless growth and leadership opportunities, and I learned everything I know today about towers from my incredible colleagues that have joined the business over the past several years.

    As I took on this role as CFO, I was faced with the fundamental challenge of establishing credibility not only as a woman, but as a young professional in the field. Being the only woman in the room at countless meetings, I had to confidently assert myself and trust that my preparation, knowledge, and hard work would shine through. After 5 years as CFO, I was promoted to CEO of Tillman infrastructure in 2022. I find it crucial for women to be more involved in the industry. While telecom was historically perhaps a difficult industry for women to break into – and be recognized in – our role in this field is as important as ever. Digital infrastructure is the highway of our generation. Women should be trailblazers in this field and lead the charge on bridging the digital divide.

    When I am interviewing potential hires, I am looking for core skills and the right values in a candidate. If a female applicant with extensive experience in this sector is hard to find, then let’s look for a talented female candidate in an adjacent industry. I want to challenge other c-suite executives to dig deeper and look harder for female and minority candidates. We should be willing to take a leap of faith and put our trust in a candidate’s raw talent, work ethic, and ability to creatively solve problems, whatever field they may be coming from.

    I am so proud of the fact that, today, over 50% of our C-suite at Tillman Infrastructure is female. I also love that when I walk into a meeting with almost any of our customer partners, I am greeted by at least as many female leaders in the room as males. As I look even further down the chain – over 50% of the engineering class at Columbia University is now female. When I was a student, that figure was under 25%. I know that over the coming years we will see the percentage of female leaders in this industry continue to increase tremendously.

    If you are a female looking to grow your career in telecom or digital infrastructure, I encourage you to stay curious, be willing to adopt a creative approach to problem solving, take ownership of decision making, work diligently towards your goals, and have confidence in yourself. Pursue areas that are of interest to you, and don’t be afraid to speak up.

    Lastly, reach out to senior women in the field, as I know so many of us are passionate about supporting and mentoring the next generation of female leaders. WWLF is a great place to connect with women in the industry as are the local chapters of State Wireless Associations.

  • 04 Jun 2023 12:59 PM | Anonymous

    by Ashli Fuselier, SMW Engineering Group, Inc., WWLF Secretary, TXWA President

    In Late April, the Telecom world ascended on Vegas for the 2023 Wireless West Conference. The event kicked off with a Golf Tournament at the Arroyo Golf Club. After a beautiful day on the course, the attendees enjoyed an opening reception with a live band, Vegas-style entertainment, and lots of hands to shake.

    After a flashy start, including a live Elvis impersonator, our host, President of CALWA, Rodrigo de la Rosa, kicked us off. The speakers and panels covered many industry topics including “The State of the Data Center Market”; “Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Infrastructure Deployment”; and “EV Charging Infrastructure.”

    To break up the day lunch was provided by the resort pool before a marathon afternoon of panels and breakout sessions. Continuing the glitz and glam of Vegas, the closing reception was a white party at the pool with showgirls, live painting, and flashy backdrops for all the selfies.

    Our very own Lauren Goff, Carolyn Hardwick and Ashli Fuselier closed the event with an all women led panel, moderated by Kari Willis. “Rolling the Dice: A Fireside Chat with WWLF” was about current industry trends, woes, and intrigue we have been hearing from our members – the panel addressed some sensitive topics that need to be discussed among the big players of the industry. The Panelists also discussed how to get the most out of their career and continue growing within the ever-changing industry. With a live taping for the CALWA Podcast, and a closing panel of all women from WWLF, Wireless West was one for the books!

  • 04 Jun 2023 12:49 PM | Anonymous

    We are proud to announce Liane Sippin as the 2023 Fellowship Award winner. Liane will be mentored by Deborah Fraembs.

    “We would like to thank the impressive pool of applicants that applied for the WWLF Fellowship program. It is a testament to the outstanding talent and commitment to supporting women in the industry. As a review committee, we were inspired by Lianne's dedication to investing in the success of women at DISH Wireless, as well as her passion for community service and volunteerism. We look forward to seeing her continue to encourage and empower women throughout her career,” Debra Mercier, WWLF Co-Executive Director of Programs.

    Liane serves as the Executive Business Partner at DISH Wireless in Chicago, a position she has held since April 2021. In this role, Liane is responsible for serving as the senior advisor to the Vice President and liaising with 11 market managers to provide regional support and ensure consistency in deliverables and projects. Liane co-founded Women in Wireless, a group with a membership of over 200 telecom professionals at DISH. Liane also leads the grassroots effort of DISH Cares initiatives in the central region field offices to promote a culture of service. Liane has volunteered with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and various fraternal organizations. Liane is a graduate of Florida International University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

    Liane states that what she loves about WWLF is the acknowledgement that women in the wireless industry are critical to its success. There are many challenges and opportunities that face the wireless industry and WWLF is at the forefront of bringing human connection, education, and economic growth.

    Liane’s goal as the 2023 WWLF Fellowship recipient is to develop lasting relationships, build her skills as a people-oriented leader, and contribute to the growth of the industry.

  • 04 Jun 2023 12:45 PM | Anonymous

    New Orleans was host to an estimated 3,500 industry professionals attending Connect (X) at the Morial Convention Center, May 8 – 10, 2023.

    As always, this conference, presented by WWLF’s parent organization, the Wireless Infrastructure Association, offered cutting edge educational programming including satellite connectivity, open RAN, multi-access edge compute (MEC), and the latest trends in policy and regulation.

    Workforce development concerns were top of mind throughout the show. WWLF’s panel, “Workforce Engagement in the Era of Generation Z and Beyond” discussed the challenges facing business leaders as they lead the diverse workforce of today and tomorrow. WWLF Immediate Past-President, Amanda Cahill led a thoughtful discussion by WWLF Vice President, Carolyn Hardwick, Gigi Majors, Senior Vice President of Harmoni Towers, and Telisa Schelin, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of ExteNet.

    We were also excited to see panels presented by WWLF Executive Director of Industry Relations, Carrie Charles, and WWLF Boca Raton/South Florida City Representative, Leticia Latino.

    Lauren Goff, WWLF Executive Director of Ways & Means, stated, “What I enjoyed most about Connect(X) this year was threefold: unbelievably valuable learning and networking, the opportunity to work with both my Ramaker and WWLF teams to maximize our presence at the conference, and let’s be clear - hearing our WWLF President Lynn Whitcher speak about our organization was nothing short of inspiring! I enjoy public speaking, but watching Lynn on stage, she has inspired me to set my goals even higher to better hone my craft. Expert job, Lynn! You are an inspiring leader. Thank you for sharing your gift!”

    WWLF was honored to host the closing night reception with 433 of our closest friends and supporters. Guests were treated to a private viewing of some of the most recognizable Mardi Gras parade floats and props before heading over to a quintessential Louisiana garden party experience featuring a starlit sky over an indoor garden filled with life-size oak trees, and footbridges over a beautiful stream.

    One of the highlights of the show was sharing the experience with our 2023 Fellowship Award recipient, Liane Sippin, Executive Business Partner at DISH Wireless in Chicago and her mentor, Deborah Fraembs.

    “Connect (X) 2023 was one for the books. From the speaker sessions to the networking events, this year will be the one to beat. It was great to see the empowerment and the sense of community felt by the WWLF members at Connect (X),” shared Arleth Carbajal, National Director of Events.

    Next year’s conference will be held May 14 – 16, 2024 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. We will see you there!

  • 27 Nov 2022 5:09 PM | Anonymous

    Arleth Carbajal
    Senior Project Manager, LCC Telecom Services
    WWLF Regional Director Events - Central Region

    How long have you been a City/Regional Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region?

    "I have been the Regional Director Events – Central Region since 2021. I was formerly the City Rep for Chicago."

    Why did you join WWLF?

    "I joined WWLF to connect with other female professionals in our wireless industry."

    How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally?

    "WWLF has tremendously impacted me professionally and personally. The women have helped me find my voice and boosted my confidence. I have in turned done my best to also assist any new members as they come in unsure of how to connect. I have not only made professional connections but I can call some of these women my friends!"

    Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?

    "I have been with LCC Telecom Services for 11 years. I started as front desk receptionist, then assisted with their real estate. I then moved to their accounting department before I moved to the site acquisition side. I am now a Senior Project Manager, assisting, guiding and overseeing various projects. I am a board member and co-chair of membership for Illinois State Wireless Association. "

    What are your top 3 leadership lessons or advice?

    "1) always be sure to listen
     2) Stay organized
     3) know your audience. I have had to learn to work with different personalities and how to efficiently communicate with each one."

    How do you define success?

    "Success is different for everyone. For me, Success is feeling fulfilled and happy."

    What do you like to do outside of work?

    "I love to spend time with my 3 children, (1 year old, 2 year old and 10 year old), going outside or to the park. We love to stay in and have movie nights together.  I also do crafting on my free time."

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